How to Play: Compete with your friends and family to create the funniest memes. Do this by using one of your dealt caption cards to caption the photo card in each round.
Judge’s Choice: The winner of each round is decided by a rotating judge. Pro tip: pick your caption card to match the judge’s sense of humor.
The OG: This is the core game, so buy it first. You'll need it for all of our other expansion packs.
Designed for 17+: This game contains mature content and is designed for ages 17+. Encouraged to be played with 3+ players.
What’s Inside: Each What Do You Meme core game contains 435 cards. 360 of these are caption cards and 75 are photo cards. Printed on premium playing cards (thick with gloss finish); includes an easel and bonus rules, shrink-wrapped in a custom box.